Frequently Asked Question

What is a withdrawal?

Last Updated 2 years ago

At ChainEX, a withdrawal refers to the process of transferring a specified balance of digital currency from any of your currency wallets to another wallet of the same currency, either as a payment to someone else or for transferring currency between your own wallets not hosted on ChainEX. This process is similar to transferring money between bank accounts using EFT. Learn more about how withdrawals work and how to initiate one on our website.

Two types of withdrawal exist and are supported by ChainEX:

  • Withdrawing digital currencies from wallets of all the supported digital currencies simply by specifying the receiving wallet’s address and the amount to withdraw.
  • Withdrawing your digital currency balances as Fiat currency into your personal bank account.

For a step-by-step guide on how to withdraw digital currency to a specified wallet, please click here.

For a step-by-step guide on how to withdraw digital currency as Fiat currency into your personal bank account, please click here.

Why can't I place a withdrawal? For any withdrawal restrictions, please click here.

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