Frequently Asked Question

How to cancel an Accumulation or Distribution Order

Last Updated 5 years ago

If you would like to cancel an active Accumulation/Distribution order then follow one of these two simple step-by-step tutorials below.

Cancel an active Accumulation and Distribution order/s from the Markets page:

  1. Navigate and log in to
  2. Select the relevant market on which you currently have an active Distribution/Accumulation order, from the left-hand sidebar.
  3. Select the "Accumulation/Distribution" tab above the Buy/Sell order input dialogs.
  4. The details of your Accumulation/Distribution order will be loaded.
  5. Select "cancel order"
  6. A "Cancel Order" confirmation is loaded.
  7. If you are 100% sure you would like to cancel your order, click "Yes".
  8. Your Accumulation/Distribution order has now been canceled.

Cancel an active Accumulation and Distribution order/s from the History page:

  1. Navigate and log in to
  2. Navigate to the History page.
  3. Select the "Active D/A Orders" tab on the History page.
  4. Identify the active Accumulation/Distribution order you would like to cancel.
  5. Select the cancel order button (the orange x) next to said active order.
  6. A "Cancel Order" confirmation is loaded.
  7. If you are 100% sure you would like to cancel your order, click "Yes".
  8. Your Accumulation/Distribution order has now been canceled.

For more information on What is an Accumulation/Distribution order, click here.

For an easy to follow step-by-step tutorial on how to use Accumulation and Distribution orders, click here.

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